It's world malaria day today. Malaria is found in hotter climates, where the mosquitoes thrive most. Malaria is normally spread by the mosquitoes, of course, the female ones, as the male mosquitoes are known to be 'vegetarians'. The malaria parasite, deposited by the mosquito when it bites a human being, gets multiplied rapidly and starts affecting the Red Blood Cells, thereby weakening the body, and the body develops high temperature. Ayurveda calls this i.e. Malaria as 'Vishama jwara'. Common symptoms of 'Vishama jwara' are known to be fever with shaking chills and headache, tiredness, nausea, muscle pains etc. Since the symptoms are similar to any other common fever, unless properly diagnosed and medical care is taken, things could turn serious.
This 'Vishama jwara' is one which affects the lever too, as the parasite grows there and gets strengthened. Therefore, it is very important to cleanse the system when stricken by malaria. So, what do we do to cleanse the system? Simple. Follow strict regimen of diet, comprising of rice gruel (ganji), boiled (or raw, wherever possible) vegetebles and fruits. Avoid spicy food. The idea is to see that the food taken in is easily digested.
According to Ayurveda, Neem Oil is a good remedy for 'Vishama jwara'. And our own Tulsi. The juice of handful of Tulsi leaves, mixed with 2-3 black pepper can be taken to keep the disease under control.
This 'Vishama jwara' is one which affects the lever too, as the parasite grows there and gets strengthened. Therefore, it is very important to cleanse the system when stricken by malaria. So, what do we do to cleanse the system? Simple. Follow strict regimen of diet, comprising of rice gruel (ganji), boiled (or raw, wherever possible) vegetebles and fruits. Avoid spicy food. The idea is to see that the food taken in is easily digested.
According to Ayurveda, Neem Oil is a good remedy for 'Vishama jwara'. And our own Tulsi. The juice of handful of Tulsi leaves, mixed with 2-3 black pepper can be taken to keep the disease under control.