Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"मोट्टी" Priya is happy now!

If obesity is any indication of 'prosperity', our country is prospering very fast!! However, people are also becoming aware of the ill effects of obesity, and more and more people seek medical help to fight obesity.

Priya's success in fighting obesity is a good example to show how harmless Ayurvedic Medicines, coupled with dietary control and exercises can cure this menace. Priya is just 26 years and her weight was about 87 kg when she came to me for the first time. Her appetite, sleep, everything was normal. When she visited me after three weeks, I could read from her face how happy she was. She had shed 2 kg in three weeks!

The first thing an over weight person should do, in order to reduce weight, is to prepare his mind in that line. They should train themselves not to get tempted by food; must avoid sweet, oily and calorie rich food. However, this doesn't mean that they should remain hungry so as to lose weight!

In Ayurveda, obesity is known as ‘Stholya Roga’ and an obese person is called ‘Atisthula’. ‘Stholya Roga’ is a result of excess accumulation of body fat. According to Charaka, the health risks of an ‘Atisthula’ person is far more than a normal person.

According to Vagbhatacharya’s ‘Ashtanga Sangraha’

"स्थोलायम प्रगुदाह्रिता गुरुअदिव्रिधसन
 लीन स्लेश्मा मिश्रो अन्नजो रसाः"

(अर्थात: Obesity is caused due to excessive intake of heavy and fatty food without doing any physical activity)

The most important thing to keep in mind, along with dietary control, is regular exercise. This is one thing that must be practiced without fail. Usually for indians, since fat gets deposited in the abdominal region and thighs, it is important to include abdominal exercise in the exercise routine.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Missed 2011...

Hi folks..
I missed a whole year. Whole of 2011. Year in which I acquired a small home to call my own. Year in which I acquired a small additional qualification. Year in which I was honoured as a Chief Guest for my daughter's school's annual day celeberations.. And a lot of small small things like that. Good as well as not so good.
Fine. No promises this year. But let me try to be regular this year, though not everyday.