Friday, February 27, 2009

AC, are you listening?

A patient of mine called me today from a far off place to say that the medicine I prescribed was quite effective and that he would like to complete the course and get fully recovered. Medicines are effective, but seldom does a patient calls a Doctor to convey that. When you are fully alright and are busy with the daily chores of life, where do you have the time to think of the Doctor?

Well, this patient of mine had approached me for the first time with a complaint of piles. This is one of the diseases wherein Ayurveda is more effective than anything else. Along with internal medicines Avagaha(sitting in a tub with warm water) and infiltration of oil into the anus are also done. I prescribed Chirivilwadi kashayam, Abhayarishtam and Guggulupanchapala choornam for him. After about 2 weeks, he said he was relieved a lot and asked me to prescribe further medication. At this stage, he can continue the kashayam along with Suranadi lehyam/chargyeradi ghrithm as his digestive power (jatharagni) is normal. A patient with low digestive power (manda jatharagni) should take the grithm in small quantity.

A family friend of mine, AC, was heard telling that he was under medication for piles. Didn't speak to him for a long time, and I really do not know how he is now. AC, listen, even after trying out everything else, you still can approach a good Ayurvedacharya to get fully recovered.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Age Related Atrophic Changes

xxxx A senior colleage of my hubby had called last evening. His mom, who is about 79 yrs has been bed riddedn for some time. She was admitted to a Super Speciality Hospital and all check ups were done. She is diabetic and hypertensive. The problem with her is that she doesn't get proper sleep, gets angry very easily, becomes very adamant at times etc.

xxxx She is going through Age Related Atrophic Changes, as her Doctor had diagnosed and mentioned in her discharge sheet. They suggested she could be taken to a psychiatrist, as they had nothing more to do.

xxxx The term 'Atrophic changes' originates from the Greek word 'atrophia' which means 'lack of food'. The word 'atrophy' in English means 'to gradually become less effective or vigorous'. In Ayurveda, treatment for this includes both internal and external medication. Internal medicines include Kashayas, Arishtas, Gritha & Lehyam. These are administered taking into consideration the digestive power of the patient.
xxxx External Therapies include Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Dhara, Nasyam etc. But these kinds of Panchakarma therapies are normally not done for patients above 70 years of age, All she can do is to take internal medicines like Brahmyadi Kashayam, Sukumara Kashayam, Manasa mitra Vatarkam etc. Grithas and Arishtas cannot be given as she is diabetic. She can also do some physiotherapy.

xxxx More than any medicine or therapy, what she requires at this time is a lot of people around her to chat with, to crack jokes with, and to put simply – to keep her mind happy. These are the circumstances we are reminded about the significance of a joint family !!

Monday, February 16, 2009

OUSHADHA MATRA-Dosage of Medicine

मात्राया नास्त्यवस्थानं दोषमग्निं बलं वयम्
व्याधिं द्रव्यम् च कोष्ठश्च वीक्ष्यमात्रं प्रयोजयेत

xxxx In Ayurveda the dose to be administered depends on so many factors.Those factors include dosha,the digestive power of the patient,strength of the patient,his age,the disease and the ingredients of the yoga(medicine to be prescribed).
xxxx It was Sharangdhara in his book 'Sharandhara Samhitha', who described the dose calculation along with all the necessary factors for determining doses.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dhanya's 'Garbhopadrava'

Hi.. That was a long pause of course.. In fact, Unniyettan asked me, "what' happened.. initial activism stopped?" Doesn't matter, I'm back again.
What brought me back again is my friend Dhanya’s second pregnancy. Good news. The not-so-good news is that she's in the hospital for the last few days.

That's 'Garbhopadrava'. Ayurveda discusses in detail about various Garbhopadravas, such as nausea, vomitting, anorexia (loss of appetite), retention of urine etc. So there's nothing uncommon and absolutely nothing to worry if she vomits a little. But the problem is she vomits more than what she eats.. That landed her in the hospital.

'Garbhini Vyakaran' describes the Ayurvedic way of managing pregnancy. The physician attending to the ‘Garbhini’ has to be very careful as he has to keep in mind the protection and nourishment of both the foetus and the mother. The pregnancy period, totally 40 weeks or roughly 10 months, can broadly be divided into three stages, the first stage being 1-12 weeks, second 13-28 weeks and the last 29-40 weeks. Ayurveda prescribes special routine for each month during the period of pregnancy. However, one has to be utmost careful during the first stage and the last. During the initial three months, importance is given to stabilize the pregnancy and it is advisable to take juicy fruits, tender coconut water etc. for the nourishment of the embryo. It is during this period that the baby forms its various organs.

This being her second pregnancy, Dhanya knows the importance of taking nutritious food, going for light exercises, keeping herself happy always etc.. But unfortunately, she’s forced to take all the ‘nutrition’ through pipe!! Yes, she’s not able to eat properly due to excessive vomiting. This is normally controlled by tablets or sometimes injections. She must include a lot of green & leafy vegetables in her diet to ensure the required supply of Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, and Calcium. If not able to eat, probably she can go for homemade soups made of fresh vegetables. Stress is given to ‘home made’ because, the ingredients in the soup powders available in the market which are added for taste & smell and the preservatives therein are not all that good for Dhanya, especially during this period. She must, as far as possible, avoid colas, tinned food products and maida products, such as porota, bread etc.

Let’s wish her good times ahead..