Monday, March 9, 2009

"Sarvendriyanam Nayanam Pradhanam"

The eye being highly sensitive and delicate organ it is protected by different means:(1)it is situated inside a hard bony cavity.(2)Eyelids,eyebrows and eyelashes protect the eye from foriegn bodies and external particles.(3)Soft tissue behind the eyeballs protects from contusions.However in spite of all these protective measures there are chances of injuries by the foriegn bodies.
Ashtasthana Pareeksha in Ayurveda is the common examination methods for the diagnosis of a disease.Drishti is included in Ashtasthana Pareeksha which means that eye is both functionally and diagnostically important.Each systemic disease has its own ophthalmic manifestations.For eg. in mumps there is inflammation of lacrimal glands,in fungal infection there is inflammation of lids,in thyroid fever there is inflammation of optic nerve are a few to be mentioned.
'Prevention is better than cure' is a saying that is very important in case of eye diseases.Preventive methods include:
(1)Simple medications:are simple procedures that can be daily practised like Anjana(medicine is applied on the inner surface of the lid)Nasya(medicine is applied through the nasal cavity)Kabala(medicine is filled in the mouth to such an extent that we can shake it) etc.
(2)Habitual factors:Siroabhyanga(oil is applied to the head),snanam(taking bath),adequate sleep etc.
(3)Diet:is an important factor.Spicy and salty foods should be avided.Amalaki and black grapes are good for the eyes.
(4)Mental status:We should try to avoid stess,strain,extreme worries and anger and keep the mind cool and calm.
Some Tips:After journey always wash face and eyes with cold clean water.Before going to bed keep eyes and feet clean.